D.S. Watson

Author website for science fiction and fantasy novels and short stories. Also links to original music in folk, country, pop & Christian.


Thank you for visiting my website. This is where I will be posting my work including Amazon links to the six novels that will be part of the Space Fleet Academy Series. The first book in this series, REFUGEE, is a coming-of-age book that starts with his parents and setting up the universe. It is also Young Adult. I was initially reluctant to label the books this way, but then I realized, I am still coming-of-age and I like Young Adult fiction.

My favorite books when I first got into science fiction were the Heinlein YA books, Isaac Azimov, and Edgar Rice Burroughs. I also enjoyed Louis L’Amour westerns. My favorite author was C. S. Forrester and his Horatio H. Hornblower series. That series, which is online free now, is what I patterned my series after…before I learned David Weber did something similar in his Honor Harrington series. In any case, other book series I love include Anne McCaffrey’s Dragon Riders of Pern and her Harper Hall series; and Lois McMaster Bujold’s Vorkosigan Saga.

I decided to self-publish REFUGEE under Bard Tree Publishing, my own publishing company. I previously submitted it to multiple publishers. It was tentatively accepted by two small press publishers including Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire Press and Chris Kennedy Publishing. For various reasons, it did not work out with them, but I was honored they felt the book was worthy of their consideration.

Thank you again for stopping by. My next convention, after publication which should occur this week on Amazon, will be Libertycon in Chattanooga, TN.

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